Promotions and Free games
We run continuous promotions and sometimes offer free games so that we are always in the limelight. We give away free spins and offers that always provide player satisfaction.In the past, we have noticed that freely available demo games convert at a pretty high rate. The stickiness of the players is high. These are available for you to keep the player engaged on your website providing a very high possibility of conversion.
With gripping promotions and highly engaging free games, we assist you in attracting a great number of avid players across the globe thus helping you optimise your revenue and build player loyalty.

Screenshot Library
Pictures always cause a larger effect on the brain that just reading material. Thus, we have a screenshot library that is readily available for you to choose from. The images include screenshots of the games that are being played. This increases an interest in the player and consequently, increases clicks. You can freely choose images from the vast library of screenshots to use in an email, review, banner or landing page.
This is just a preview of what we can do. And the list does not end here. Together we can develop custom made promotions and marketing campaigns.